Do This and You’ll Get That: A Bad Way to Defend Good Programs

EDUCATION WEEK September 30, 2015 Do This and You’ll Get That A Bad Way to Defend Good Programs By Alfie Kohn When we’re not sure people will support our cause, it’s tempting to link it to something more popular. Because x may be controversial (or may simply lack broad support), we hitch a ride on y, an outcome that reflects … Read More

“Helicopter Parenting” Hysteria

SALON September 4, 2015 “Helicopter Parenting” Hysteria The Epidemic That Actually Isn’t By Alfie Kohn Parents who are overly involved in the lives of their college-age children are the folks we love to scorn. A steady stream of articles and blog posts bristle with indignation over dads who phone the dean about a trivial problem or moms who know more … Read More

Who’s Asking?

EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP September 2015   Who’s Asking? By Alfie Kohn It seems only fitting to explore the role of questions in education by asking questions about the process of doing so. I propose that we start with the customary way of framing this topic and then proceed to questions that are deeper and potentially more subversive of traditional schooling. 1. … Read More

The “Mindset” Mindset

SALON August 16, 2015 The “Mindset” Mindset What We Miss By Focusing on Kids’ Attitudes The emphasis on effort in Dweck’s “growth mindset” is most notable for the larger questions it discourages us from asking. By Alfie Kohn One of the most popular ideas in education these days can be summarized in a single sentence — a fact that may … Read More

Cheerful to a Fault: “Positive” Practices with Negative Implications

July 11, 2015 Cheerful to a Fault “Positive” Practices with Negative Implications By Alfie Kohn We live in a smiley-face, keep-your-chin-up, look-on-the-bright-side culture. At the risk of being labeled a professional party pooper, I’d like to suggest that accentuating the positive isn’t always a wise course of action where children are concerned. I say that not because I’ve joined the … Read More

What’s the Real Purpose of Classroom Management?

June 25, 2015 What’s the Real Purpose of Classroom Management? By Alfie Kohn   Everyone knows why classroom management skills are considered a critical part of teacher training. The reason we need to minimize “misbehavior” and get students to show up, sit down, and pay attention is so we can teach them stuff. That proposition is so obvious that it’s … Read More

Learning as a Sandwich: Revisiting the Ingenuity (and Radicalism) of K-W-L

June 2, 2015 Learning as a Sandwich Revisiting the Ingenuity (and Radicalism) of K-W-L By Alfie Kohn I believe it was Dale Carnegie who first counseled public speakers to “tell the audience what you’re going to say . . . say it . . . then tell them what you’ve said.” This advice, which presumably appeared in his book How … Read More

The Wrong Way to Get People to Do the Right Thing

May 12, 2015 The Wrong Way to Get People to Do the Right Thing By Alfie Kohn   [This essay is adapted from The Brighter Side of Human Nature, which contains the complete references to research cited here.] Our culture may sing the praises of the heroically selfless, yet it also seems to disdain the very idea of helping. We … Read More

Book translations

Translations of Alfie Kohn’s Books NO CONTEST: THE CASE AGAINST COMPETITION Italy (Baldini) Japan (Hosei University Press) Korea (Sannun) Germany (Beltz) Sweden (Hagaberg) Israel (Sifriat HaPoalim) Thailand (A.R. Business Press) Bulgaria (Iztok Zapad) Poland (Wydawnictwo MIND) THE BRIGHTER SIDE OF HUMAN NAUTRE Turkey (Görünmez Adam Yayincilik) PUNISHED BY REWARDS Brazil (Editora Atlas) China (The Reader’s Cornerstone) Japan (Hosei University Press) … Read More

The Grass Moment

April 23, 2015 The Grass Moment Helping Kids to Become Reflective Rebels By Alfie Kohn For the last several years I’ve been hacking away at a tangle of deeply conservative beliefs about children and parenting that have somehow come to be accepted as the conventional wisdom in our culture: that parents are too permissive and yet, at the same time, … Read More