Getting Rid of Grades: Case Studies

January 2010 Getting Rid of Grades Case Studies By Alfie Kohn Given that most schools still send home report cards with letter or number grades, and most teachers still put these letters or numbers on students’ individual assignments, you would never guess that most studies of the effects of grades find that they’re destructive in multiple ways. For nearly a … Read More

Teachers Describe the Harms of Test-Driven School Reform

December 2009 Teachers Describe the Harms of Test-Driven School Reform By Alfie Kohn To understand the true impact of raise-the-bar, close-the-gap “school reform” – the type demanded by corporate executives, imposed by politicians of both parties, and celebrated by pundits – you need to hear from the people who spend their days in real classrooms. Never mind that no credible evidence has … Read More

Reflections on the School Librarians’ “Standards for the 21st-Century Learner”

KNOWLEDGE QUEST November/December 2009 The Challenge – and an Invitation: Brief Reflections on the School Librarians’ “Standards for the 21st-Century Learner” By Alfie Kohn In her 1965 novel Up the Down Staircase, whose continued relevance is frankly rather unsettling, Bel Kaufman gave us, among other memorable characters, a school librarian so protective of her collection, so determined to make sure that … Read More

Ted Sizer and Jerry Bracey: An Appreciation

October 2009 Ted Sizer and Jerry Bracey An Appreciation By Alfie Kohn The field of education lost two great men in October. Ted Sizer and Jerry Bracey were distinguished by the issues that animated them and the way they pursued their respective interests, but each made such an enormous contribution that his death leaves us bereft. In person, Ted Sizer was good-humored … Read More

Amor Parental Con Limitaciones

NEW YORK TIMES 15 de septiembre 2009 Amor Parental Con Limitaciones Por Alfie Kohn [Ésta es una versión algo más extensa del artículo publicado bajo el nombre “When a Parent’s ‘I Love You’ Means ‘Do as I Say’” (Cuando el “te quiero” de los padres significa “hazlo como te decimos”). Para conocer en mayor profundidad el tema que aquí se trata, lea el libro o vea el DVD titulado Unconditional Parenting (Crianza Incondicional).]   … Read More

Parental Love with Strings Attached (#)

NEW YORK TIMES September 15, 2009 Parental Love with Strings Attached By Alfie Kohn [This is a slightly expanded version of the published article, which was titled “When a Parent’s ‘I Love You’ Means ‘Do as I Say.’” For a more detailed treatment of the topic discussed here, please see the book or DVD entitled Unconditional Parenting.] Para leer este artículo en Español, haga clic aquí. … Read More

The Value of Negative Learning (#)

EDUCATION WEEK September 16, 2009 The Value of Negative Learning How Traditional Education Can Produce Nontraditional Educators By Alfie Kohn I recently spent a delightful few hours devouring 27 autobiographical essays written by alternative educators from around the world.   Collectively, these people had founded schools, magazines, and entire movements, helping to promote all manner of nontraditional learning.  What fascinated me … Read More

Twenty-first Century Skills? It Depends What You Mean…

September 2009 Twenty-first Century Skills?  It Depends What You Mean… By Alfie Kohn About a year ago, I was invited to write a chapter for an education anthology on the subject of “21st-century skills.” I replied as follows: “To be perfectly honest, I’m never sure what’s meant by the phrase ’21st century’ when it’s used as a modifier for ‘skills,’ ‘standards,’ or … Read More


August 2009 Bushobama By Alfie Kohn “Obama is, in effect, giving George W. Bush a third term in education,”remarked Diane Ravitch, who worked in the elder Bush’s administration. Was she exaggerating? Well, for starters, notice that two of the most enthusiastic endorsements of President Obama’s choice of Arne Duncan as secretary of education came from the individuals who had held … Read More

Cash Incentives Won’t Make Us Healthier (#)

USA TODAY May 21, 2009 Cash Incentives Won’t Make Us Healthier By Alfie Kohn [This is an expanded version of the published article. Click here for a 1-hour audio presentation by Kohn on this topic.] In its first salvo at reforming health care, Congress is reportedly considering legislation that would do two things:  help employers to set up wellness programs and encourage … Read More