“Helicopter Parenting” Hysteria

SALON September 4, 2015 “Helicopter Parenting” Hysteria The Epidemic That Actually Isn’t By Alfie Kohn Parents who are overly involved in the lives of their college-age children are the folks we love to scorn. A steady stream of articles and blog posts bristle with indignation over dads who phone the dean about a trivial problem or moms who know more … Read More

Who’s Asking?

EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP September 2015   Who’s Asking? By Alfie Kohn It seems only fitting to explore the role of questions in education by asking questions about the process of doing so. I propose that we start with the customary way of framing this topic and then proceed to questions that are deeper and potentially more subversive of traditional schooling. 1. … Read More

The “Mindset” Mindset

SALON August 16, 2015 The “Mindset” Mindset What We Miss By Focusing on Kids’ Attitudes The emphasis on effort in Dweck’s “growth mindset” is most notable for the larger questions it discourages us from asking. By Alfie Kohn One of the most popular ideas in education these days can be summarized in a single sentence — a fact that may … Read More

Introduction to “More Than a Score”

Introduction to More Than a Score 2014 Introduction More than a Score: The New Uprising Against High-Stakes Tests, edited by J. Hagopian (Haymarket Books, 2014) By Alfie Kohn   In early March of 1999, on a chilly Sunday morning in San Francisco, more than a thousand educators packed into a huge convention center space during ASCD’s annual conference. They were … Read More

Grit: A Skeptical Look at the Latest Educational Fad (##)

INDEPENDENT SCHOOL Fall 2014 GRIT A Skeptical Look at the Latest Educational Fad By Alfie Kohn This article is adapted from The Myth of the Spoiled Child, which contains references to the relevant research. A new idea is hatched; it begins to spread; it catches on; it inspires a flurry of books and articles, conferences and seminars.  And then it fades away.  … Read More

What Waiting for a Second Marshmallow Doesn’t Prove (##)

EDUCATION WEEK September 10, 2014 S’More Misrepresentation of Research What Waiting for a Second Marshmallow Doesn’t Prove By Alfie Kohn [This article, which was published in Education Week under the title “The Deferred Gratification Myth,” is adapted from The Myth of the Spoiled Child, which contains references to the relevant research.] Traditional schooling isn’t working for an awful lot of students.  We can respond to that … Read More

Trophy Fury: What’s Behind Claims that Kids Are Coddled and Overcelebrated?

NEW YORK TIMES May 4, 2014 Trophy Fury What’s Behind Claims that Kids Are Coddled and Overcelebrated? By Alfie Kohn [This is an expanded version of the published article, which was titled “Do Our Kids Get Off Too Easy?” and adapted from The Myth of the Spoiled Child.]   The last time I checked, a web search for the phrases “everyone … Read More

The Downside of “Grit” (Commentary)

WASHINGTON POST April 6, 2014 The Downside of “Grit” What Really Happens When Kids Are Pushed to Be More Persistent? By Alfie Kohn [This is an expanded version of the published article, which appeared in the Post‘s Sunday “Outlook” section.  It has been adapted from chapter 7 of The Myth of the Spoiled Child: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom about Children and Parenting.] … Read More

Why I Write

PUBLISHERS WEEKLY March 7, 2014 Why I Write By Alfie Kohn   Is it possible that a hint of self-congratulation adheres to the fact that we writers like to pose this question to ourselves?  You don’t see a lot of people holding forth on, say, “Why I Sell Tires.”  The assumption is that there’s something uniquely marvelous about the choice … Read More

This Time It’s Different … Again

From Chap. 1 (“Permissive Parents, Coddled Kids, & Other Bogeymen”) of The Myth of the Spoiled Child (Da Capo Books, 2014) Copyright © 2014 by Alfie Kohn [iframe src=”https://www.alfiekohn.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/chapter-1.pdf” style=”width:750px; height:800px !important;” frameborder=”0″]